The Crown Is Heavy

What does it mean to be a queen? More specifically a good queen. I wonder about this often. Particularly on days like today when I’m falling short. 

In an interview with spoke about how good leaders make decisions with several layers of impact. The best leaders consider generations to come. 
I wonder about the currently popular sentiments that queens do what is best for them. That they never spend precious time on what others think or do. That they put their own needs, goals, and desires first. Even that they are always free to remain themselves, as they are right now. 
I do believe a queen knows her value. She understands her presence alone brings honor. Her undivided attention is a blessing. Her counsel or advice is an act of love. She enters into these agreements with care and does not take them lightly. 
But I also wonder if that value is deepened by the sheer weight of her responsibility.
I wonder, if a queen seeks solitude and practices self care for her own sake. Or does she deeply understand how much her decisions matter (whether she runs a house or an empire)? She needs the space to reflect in order to make them well. The weight of her impact and influence stands at the forefront. It demands she take space to breathe, laugh, move, and live, because it also demands constant growth. A queen cannot continue being who she is now. She MUST evolve. Grief or joy, anger or excitement, freedom or pleasure, cannot cloud her vision or steal her away for too long at a time. 
She surrounds herself with wolves and wisdom. Truth speakers and poets. Grace and accountability. Her spirit is continuously supported. Her resilience continually expanding. Her weaknesses always addressed. Because the cost of complacency or isolation is too high, and while she is free to enjoy her life, she understands it is not to be lived for her alone. 